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GRIP Favourites - Bodyweight Row

The bodyweight row can be performed either on a straight bar or gymnastic rings/TRX. It doesn't get as much attention as the pull-up, but we think it should.

Here are a few reasons why it's awesome;

*  It's a great exercise for working towards a pull-up because it allows you to build pulling strength using a lower proportion of your bodyweight.
*  The row is one of the few exercises that promotes external rotation of the shoulder, which is important in preventing strength imbalances and injury.
*  By strengthening your middle back, the row is great for improving posture, reversing the effects of prolonged sitting and hunching over a work desk. 
*  Essentially being the opposite of a press up, the row also requires you to keep your body in good alignment through the movement, engaging and working your core muscles.
*  Its easy to manipulate the difficulty of the bodyweight row to suit any level of training simply by moving the position of your feet, altering the angle of your body. The further forward your feet, the closer your body lies to the ground and the harder the exercise becomes. 

So why not try and incorporate it into your routine. 


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