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Showing posts from October, 2016

Why is it always about looks?

Why do a lot of people go to the gym? To look good, to be slimmer, or get bigger or be ‘toned’ (say it again, I dare you). There’s nothing wrong with taking pride in how we look. But it’s not the be all and end all of working out. Thinking about this reminded me of a tweet I saw when the Olympics were on. It was from a fitness company (naming no names) who are solely concerned with promoting exercise for aesthetics. It was something along the lines of “The shape on the gymnasts is insane”. Nothing wrong with the tweet, those gymnasts work hard and as a result look good. They have to be lean because any fat is just dead weight. However, what did make me chuckle was one of their equally aesthetically motivated followers comment of “What do they do to look like that?”. Ummm…. Are you serious?! They do gymnastics! That’s how they train. Not everyone just goes to the gym to do bicep curls and leg extensions. They go and do something they enjoy or to achieve goals other than losing X amou