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Showing posts from December, 2016

Why your perfectionism is leading you to a self-destructive path...

We should all strive to be and do our best throughout all walks of life, after all you put in what you get out. But doing your best does not mean being perfect, and in fact striving for perfection can sometimes do more harm than good. It's something that we see in the fitness industry a lot, especially with the prevalence of social media (instagram being the biggest culprit!). Every man and his dog seems to be posting pictures & videos of themselves either performing some superhuman workout or in their gym gear showing off bulging biceps, chiselled abs and buns of steel. Couple this with TV, film and magazine ad images shoved down your throat every minute of the day. You can tell yourself stop looking, STOP IT but that thumb just keeps scrolling. Eventually it can start to get to you and you start to think " Why don't I look like that, why can't I do that? Do I not train enough? Is my diet wrong? Am I just not as good as those people?". What people forget

Miracle cure for your lower back pain...?

This week we're talking about the infamous lower back!! Most of the adult population have suffered some sort of lower back pain at one point...(shock horror it's probably those chairs' fault again!!)People are constantly on the hunt for this magical exercise/stretch that will fix everyone's lower back pain, but it doesn't exist!! Firstly everyone is slightly different, what works for one person won't work for another. You'll most likely have to go through a few different exercises to see which is best for you. Secondly, we're constantly told our lower back is this fragile thing and we shouldn't move it in a way that would seem to aggravate it - your back is a muscle just like your quads, it needs to be worked, it should be strong (not weak like most of ours because we don't use it). We have to learn to move without the fear of doing damage to it. Say you've gone to the gym and tried a new workout which included a few Deadlift variations. Th