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Preparation is key

I love food don't get me wrong, but even I think it can seem more hastle than it's worth.
We're all busy; work, exercise, kids, friends, family so finding the time to prepare something healthy (& edible) can be tough. It's all too easy to grab a ready made sandwich or microwave meal. Sure there's nothing wrong with that on the odd occasion, it's not going to affect your progress to any noticeable degree. But make it a habit and it probably will. 

So what's the answer? Meals that you can prepare in bulk, divide up for the week, pop it into a tupperware and have it ready for whenever you need. Simple right? In theory yes, but you're still going to need to do a bit of preparation, unless you're ok with eating that chilli for every meal this week. 

Running our own training studio means that we're there from 6am to 9pm with little more than a mini fridge, microwave and a kettle. Not exactly restaurant quality facilities. But we prepare around 3 or 4 bulk meals on a weekend at home, fridge/freeze them and then we're set and ready fro the week. 

The gold standard of a bulk meal - good source of protein, lots of veggies & greens and either a good source of slow release carbs/good fats. And most importantly make sure it's yummy. 

A couple of our favourite recipes are; 

  • Salads - choice of protein (tuna, chicken, egg etc) spinach, avocado, cucumber, toms, spring onions. I usually add some sunflower seeds or pine nuts for some crunch. Also feta occasionally. 
  • Spanish Chicken - chicken breasts, chorizo, red onion, pepper, courgette, a mediterranean seasoning mix, chopped tin toms, spinach. Cook it all up in a slow cooker, delicious. 
  • Chilli & Brown rice- lean mince, onion, chopped tin toms, beef stock, kidney beans, mild chilli powder, tom puree
  • Fish & Roast veg - sea bass is the fave, roast sweet pot, carrot, pepper, red onion, courgette, lemon (for squeezing)
We're always looking for new ideas to share so if you've got any let us know.



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